The association of members of the association is carried out only on a voluntary basis, in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Legal entities operating on the basis of social partnership, recognizing the Charter of the Association and other internal regulatory documents, and paying the specified fees in a timely manner can become members of the Association.
In order to become a member of the Association, a legal entity submits the following documents to the general meeting of members of the Association:
- internal decision of the legal entity on membership;
- document on payment of the entrance fee;
- document on payment of the entrance fee;
After submitting the above documents, the basis for admission to the membership of the Association will be a positive decision of the general meeting of the members of the Association. In case of refusal by the general meeting of members of the Association in admission to membership, the entrance fee paid by the legal entity is returned to the Association in full.
Members of the Association have the following rights.
Receive information about the activities of the association;
Uyushma boshqaruv organlariga takliflar kiritish va ularni muhokama qilishda ishtirok etish
Participation in the implementation of specific programs and projects of the Association;
Using the services of the executive bodies of the association
Have access to the information base of the association, use its scientific and methodological information
Indiscriminate use of its services
Receive information about the activities of the association, its plans and programs
Appeal to the governing bodies of the association on any issue related to its activities
Contacting my association for advice, methodological and other assistance
Responsibilities of the association members:
- Follow the "Charter";
- Timely payment of membership fees;
- Execution of decisions of the management bodies of the association
Grounds for exclusion from the association
Violation of obligations determined by the current legislation and the Charter
Non-execution of decisions of the governing body of the association
Failure to pay the membership fee for six months;
Membership and other previously paid fees are non-refundable upon withdrawal or withdrawal from the Association.