The unification of the members of the association is carried out only on a voluntary basis, in compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and is accepted according to the application of legal entities that recognize the association's charter and other internal regulatory documents and pay the specified contributions on time. .
In order to become a member of the Association, a legal entity submits the following documents to the general meeting of members of the Association:
– внутреннее решение юридического лица о членстве;
– документ об оплате вступительного взноса;
– письменное заявление о приеме в члены.
Legal entities that recognize the Charter of the Association and other internal regulatory documents, during the period of membership in the Association, pay fees determined by the general meeting of members of the Association.
Республика Узбекистан, город Ташкент, Мирзо Улугбекский район, улица Зиолилар, дом 1, (99) 207-4444
Coordination of the activities of organizations included in the association, as well as the expression and protection of their common property interests;
Coordinate the activities of the association's member organizations, provide them with comprehensive assistance and support in their commercial activities within the framework of the law, organize their activities related to the collection and disposal of household waste on the basis of public-private law. partnership, support
Assistance to organizations that are members of the association in organizing exhibitions, fairs, presentations, conferences, business forums, cooperative exchanges in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad;
coordination of investment, commercial, scientific, technical and economic activities of its members;
Protection of the interests of the members of the association in government bodies, as well as in foreign countries, participation in conferences, seminars, symposiums and other meetings;
We help to establish proper business relations between members of the association;
Making proposals to state bodies and local self-government bodies on improving the sanitary and environmental situation in the republic, further improving the standard of living and quality of the population.
Membership and other previously paid fees will be returned upon withdrawal or exit from the Association.
Coordinate investment, commercial, scientific, technical and economic activities of its members, establish relationships with foreign countries of the Commonwealth, negotiate with government agencies on the implementation of investment projects.